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Tia Cole

Tia Cole, born in 1984 and raised in the Highlands of Lynn, is the oldest of four children and the mother of three. She is a graduate of Lynn English, where she was a founding member of the GSA and North Shore Community College. Her family has deep roots on the North Shore, as far back as the 17th century. She describes her upbringing as “rough and tumble” but with a good deal of affection and community. Tia started going to Fran’s Place after school as a teenager, and she remembers it as a quiet and supportive place to work. Her January 2024 interview discusses being a “queer kid” and the dress code and cultural conflict with the administration at Lynn English, a battle she fought while remaining closeted to her parents. Tia talks about the changing language of gender and sexual identity among various generations. She also talks about serving as a surrogate and the painful ostracization from the LGBTQ+ community when she, as a polyamorous person, began a relationship with a man. Her interview addresses strategies for pushing back against religious arguments about LGBTQ+ people.

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Tia Cole



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I was the oldest of four siblings.

Tia Cole

I joined the Gay Straight Alliance.

Tia Cole

My parents were very homophobic.

Tia Cole

I ran away from home after that incident.

Tia Cole

Everyone was still trying to figure out gender.

Tia Cole

A pimp shot his gun in the bar.

Tia Cole

I just wasn't ready for a relationship.

Tia Cole

We signed petitions at Boston Pride.

Tia Cole

My brother would be the sperm donor.

Tia Cole

My other mama is picking me up.

Tia Cole

I adopted the term queer for myself.

Tia Cole

My middle child is non-binary.

Tia Cole

Lost family when kid came out as transgender.

Tia Cole

My generation has lost our "third spaces".

Tia Cole

My parents were like born again Christians.

Tia Cole

Most of our high school group were queer.

Tia Cole

My mother was very much a feminist.

Tia Cole

I didn't know we were a "polycule".

Tia Cole

It was community, people to support each other.

Tia Cole

Fights between the gay and straight bars.

Tia Cole

My ex, a whirlwind of excitement and danger.

Tia Cole

I experienced the strength of being a woman.

Tia Cole

We could marry you right now.

Tia Cole

If you're gay, you're going to hell.

Tia Cole

LGBTQ language enforced by the alphabet mafia.

Tia Cole

Kids should bounce around and feel what's comfortable.

Tia Cole

We need less labels, but more language.

Tia Cole

We stay connected with digital spaces.

Tia Cole


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United Lynn Pride Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization
EIN: 88-4123340

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© 2023 - 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc
United Lynn Pride Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization

EIN: 88-4123340

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