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Through A Rainbow Lens, A Reflection on Lynn's LGBTQ+ History

This program is made possible by a grant from Mass Humanities, with funding from the Barr Foundation

Through a Rainbow Lens is a project being facilitated by United Lynn Pride in collaboration with Professor Andrew Darien, PhD. of Salem State University’s History Department, the Lynn Historical Society/Lynn Museum, & The History Project based out of Boston,MA.


The project, currently in its early stages, is researching the City of Lynn’s LGBTQ+ history through the collection of memorabilia, photographs, oral histories, and other items from longtime LGBTQ+ residents of Lynn and individuals who had significant impact on Lynn’s LGBTQ+ culture.

If you're interested in this project and would like to contribute, let us know by filling out one of the forms linked below, and/or for additional questions or more info on the project please send us an email at:

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I want to tell my story on camera

I want to suggest someone to be interviewed

I want to share LGBTQ+ photographs or documents

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Collecting Photos of LGBTQ+ Couples

The fact that you can today live openly in an LGBTQ+ relationship is the result of a HISTORIC struggle for equality. Your relationship is HISTORIC!


We want photos! We will display them on our website about the LGBTQ+ history of Lynn and possibly at a museum exhibit and preserve them in an archive for future generations.

I want to upload
a photo

If you can't use this form, please email the photo to

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© 2023 United Lynn Pride Inc
United Lynn Pride Inc. is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organization

EIN: 88-4123340

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© 2023 - 2024 United Lynn Pride Inc
United Lynn Pride Inc es una organización tipo 501(c)3 sin fines de lucro  y exenta de impuestos

EIN: 88-4123340

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