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Steve Sklavounos

Steve Sklavounous was born in Beverley in 1951 and was raised by his grandparents in the Brickyard Neighborhood of West Lynn. He is a 1970 graduate of Lynn Classical who worked at nurseries owned by his grandparents and later at the North Shore Council on Alcohol. Known as Steve “The Greek,” he is proud of his Greek heritage but notes that he grew up in an ethnic enclave of Greeks, Italians, and Poles. He learned his work ethic and grit from his grandmother, who put him to work in the family nursery while still in grammar school. He was first introduced to Fran’s place at age eight by his grandmother, who would go there to gamble. He describes Fran’s as a lesbian bar in the 1960s and 1970s and discusses many of the fights among patrons. He describes a horrific Thanksgiving episode in which her mother shot her father, for which she was sent to prison. He frequented many gay bars in Boston and Lynn, including The Lighthouse Cafe, Fran’s Place, Jacques, Mr. Dominic’s, 47 Central, Northern Lights, Tammany Hall, and Napoleons. He discusses the fears of AIDS in the 1980s and his activism to bring it more attention.

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Steve Sklavounos



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Grandmother was the one that made the money.

Steve Sklavounos

First time in the Light House was 1959.

Steve Sklavounos

Franny and the Collins therapy sessions.

Steve Sklavounos

Now you have the internet.

Steve Sklavounos

It did not just affect the bars.

Steve Sklavounos

Night of a Hundred Stars

Steve Sklavounos

Cross dressing.

Steve Sklavounos

Mayor Judy lost because the bar was closed.

Steve Sklavounos

Over the Rainbow Social Club.

Steve Sklavounos

It's a different world today.

Steve Sklavounos

I'd drive people to different detoxes,

Steve Sklavounos

There wasn't a word lesbian really back then.

Steve Sklavounos

She shot him with love.

Steve Sklavounos

I never remember the cops coming in.

Steve Sklavounos

It was really bad for the longest time.

Steve Sklavounos

Tish was madly in love with somebody.

Steve Sklavounos

Women's bars wanted the bar for women.

Steve Sklavounos

They had the first AIDS patient.

Steve Sklavounos

A lot of racy things on the float.

Steve Sklavounos


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EIN: 88-4123340

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