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Pat Gozemba

Pat Gozemba, born in 1940, is a lesbian, activist, and academic who lives in Salem. She was a founding member of a lesbian and gay archive in Boston, The History Project, and interviewed patrons of Fran’s Place in the early 1980s. A former English and Women's Studies professor, Pat is active in environmental causes. Pat was interviewed by Professor Andrew Darien on September 1st, 2023. She speaks about growing up in Waltham, coming out with a former student at Salem State, and divorcing the man she married. Other topics include feminism, her activism for equality and equity, and the importance of seeing a professor who was out to her students.

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Pat Gozemba



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Equity and giving the working class guy a chance.

Pat Gozemba

I accepted the word tomboy.

Pat Gozemba

My own willingness to be very out.

Pat Gozemba

Getting married to a man.

Pat Gozemba

I came out with a former student of mine.

Pat Gozemba

Students were in deep pain about being lesbian or gay.

Pat Gozemba

A union contract protections for LGBT people.

Pat Gozemba

Coming out to her was such a disgrace.

Pat Gozemba

I was at the earliest gay pride celebration.

Pat Gozemba

It was really important for students to know.

Pat Gozemba

We went into Fran's dressed as nuns and the bar went crazy.

Pat Gozemba

I do not want to identify as either a butch or femme.

Pat Gozemba

My identity wasn't to be in that marriage.

Pat Gozemba

Waiting for people to come out and beating them up.

Pat Gozemba

There was a lot of violence.

Pat Gozemba

Cherish that community and share it with other people.

Pat Gozemba

Equity and giving the working class guy a chance.

Pat Gozemba

My mother was having this affair with a priest.

Pat Gozemba

My own willingness to be very out.

Pat Gozemba

I was was involved in forming the union at Salem State.

Pat Gozemba

We were afire with feminism.

Pat Gozemba

Man-hating dykes.

Pat Gozemba

Coming out to her was such a disgrace.

Pat Gozemba

You're a menace around young people.

Pat Gozemba

North Shore Gay Alliance.

Pat Gozemba

Fran's was always a lot of fun.

Pat Gozemba

If I had come out when I was in high school...

Pat Gozemba

They were military folks who were gay.

Pat Gozemba

There were some people of color.

Pat Gozemba

The term "LGBTQ+" is awkward.

Pat Gozemba

Drag being outlawed totally.

Pat Gozemba


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