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T Nash

Born and raised in Lynn, T Nash grew up in East Lynn on Alley Street and then later in West Lynn. A 1992 graduate of Lynn Technical High School and 1995 graduate of North Shore Community College, Nash has spent a life in childcare, education, nursing, and elder care. He is a member of North Shore Pride and Chairperson for the Lynn Pride Flag Raising. He is the proud parent of an adult daughter and five-year-old son, who she and her partner are raising in Salem. A self-described “bully” as a teen, Nash explains how violence and alcoholism shaped her childhood. T discusses the long process of growing comfortable with his sexual and gender identity as a lesbian and trans-man. T speaks fondly about Fran’s Place and enthusiastically about the victory of marriage equality. T is the author of a book about caregiving called "Try Kindness."

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T Nash



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I grew up in East Lynn, Alley Street.

T Nash

I idolized my brother.

T Nash

Quiet child, close to mom and dad.

T Nash

I was a bully to get respect.

T Nash

Lynn was diverse and everybody was recognized.

T Nash

My dad did not own me as his.

T Nash

I didn't come out until probably 2000.

T Nash

I worked my way up at LEO Headstart.

T Nash

You could pass if you were aathletic.

T Nash

A huge challenge. I had to do it.

T Nash

I met my wife on MySpace.

T Nash

I wasn't out with my daughter's father.

T Nash

Wow, this stuff (drag) really exists.

T Nash

Fran's was more of a white scene.

T Nash

I was so excited about marrriage equality.

T Nash

200 at the wedding, few family.

T Nash

My pronouns are me, his and him.

T Nash

I'm very comfortable in who I am.

T Nash

I miss all of Lynn. I'm a Lynner.

T Nash

I'm passionate about LGBTQ work.

T Nash

I share my nurturing heart with my clients.

T Nash

First, amplify your voice.

T Nash

I have a twin and two brothers.

T Nash

I idolized my brother.

T Nash

Lynn Tech was a struggle.

T Nash

I didn't want to be a bully anymore.

T Nash

I was very outgoing.

T Nash

I had a lot of romantic relationships.

T Nash

My best friend gave me my first kiss.

T Nash

I learned to read and write at 19.

T Nash

Stifled, my athletic brother went to the streets.

T Nash

I had a short time with my mother.

T Nash

I met my wife on MySpace.

T Nash

Fran's was my hiding space.

T Nash

Fran's became my home.

T Nash

Fran's was working class.

T Nash

I want to really marry a woman.

T Nash

No pressure to be an example.

T Nash

My transition is on-going.

T Nash

We moved to Salem for the schools.

T Nash

I give back to Lynn whenever I can.

T Nash

Try Kindness is a book about caregivers.

T Nash

I really think everything's gonna be all right.

T Nash

It's okay for you to be you.

T Nash


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